This weekend I anticipated on writing a blog that would encourage my sista's, but no... I must write about the Fort Hood Texas shooting. Now I have no idea of what this man was thinking or who has pissed him off to the point that made him kill. Midal Malik Hasan 39 year old Army psychiatrist suspect in the assault that killed 13 people, and hurt 30 others. He was a counselor who once required counseling for himself because of trouble he had dealing with some patients. Check this out Nidal Malik Hasan had difficulties that required counseling and extra supervision. Why is this man still on base...Somebody please explain!
Now here's a man that is sworn by a oath of loyalty to the military, but he turns around and open fire on his on people. What the HELL... Now I must ask this question; Can our soldiers trust each other now? I am out raged.
Two of our very own Chicago soldiers was confirmed victims of the massacre Thursday afternoon. Killed was Michael Pearson of Bolingbrook and Fancheska Velez of Humboldt Park. Two people who knew that they was doing justice for our country.
Does the families of these victims have the right to be anger? What do you think?
Lord... How do we deal with this type of situation? I can only say this, if a staff member is having a problem that requires counseling or extra supervision remove him/her temporally for the safety of the others.
My prayers goes out to the families of these lost soldiers.
Peace & Love,
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