Friday, July 20, 2012

God’s Plan… Really!!! George Zimmerman

       It pissed me off to read across the media that George Zimmerman did an interview.  When he should have kept his mouth shut, but NO!!! You are trying to justify that you cold bloody committed a known act of murder. I dare you to have the nerves to sit in an interview to say; "It was in God plan for you to kill Trayvon." Let's get one thing straight George, God is in the business of GOOD!!! Not Evil. God word tells His people to live in righteousness, which at that point and time you were not. 

      Your actions George Zimmerman was an act of your own racist, evil and selfish ways, so don't sit your dumb ass in the viewers face, to say it was God’s plan. God plan was the voice from that dispatcher telling you to stop the pursuit, leave it alone.  That my friend was an act of God's plan for you to STOP!!!  But being the racist, judgmental, evil murder that you are, you fail to hear the real plan of God when you marked, hunted down and killed a young black man name Trayvon Martin. Furthermore, I don't know what your beliefs are when it comes to your God’s plan, but killing another human being is definitely not my God plan or anyone else God. 
        George Zimmerman if you really know God and his word, He said; "Thy Shall Not Kill." And that my friend is one of God's true written plans for His people. 


Monday, July 16, 2012

Blues Night at the Club

 Blues Night at Roscoe's

I had a blast listening to that old time blues preformed by Joe Kinkaid Band

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My 5 Favorites For The Month of May

Hello Everyone, I know, I've been MIA on the blogging scene but, ya'll know, I had to share my 5 favorites for this month. I ...