Have our teen lost sight on the ways of righteousness? I have a need to touch on the teen violence. Listen up… are we in a world where the evil of darkness has come in to steal the minds of our teens? Scripture says: “For the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy.” That is definitely what our teens are doing, just what the enemy has marked them to do, killing and destroy one another. This year 500 teens have been killed by violence… What’s up with that? Are gangs taking our teens from the homes and rising our teens or teaching them to turn away from education,to prepare them for juvenile detention or even a life in prison?... Tell me no
What is really going on? Is the teen violence caused by not having two parents in the homes? Or is it lack of love in the homes that causing our teens to reach out to gangs, and violence? What is it that we as parents need to do to convent our teens from these acts of violence and killings? Wake up young people to the realty of knowing that killing one another has no purpose… Please see that the result of these acts is a lost life.
Can I ask is there a gang remembers willing to STAND Up to say? LET’S STOP THE VOILENCE, SHOOTINGS, AND KILLINGS OF OUR TEENS.
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