Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fake Christians/Believers

This is my very fist blog, and you might think that as a first time blogger it shouldn't be about a issue that I have with fake Christians or believers. My question is why are Christians/believers pretending to be who they are not? For instant my church I'm not going to give the name of the church. How ever I do believe in the privacy protection law. Now this is why I'm calling this story fake Christians/believers. I realize that this is a story that might piss off some people, but I have a need to get this off my chest. Here we have a Pastor who the supposedly the head or leader of the church... Right. Now if he is the very one who is being the biggest fake of them all what are the Christians/believers are to do? Here's the story when you have a Pastor who is the biggest Lier of them all telling the members of the church personal business before the congregation calling out members of the church on what they did the night before is certainly unacceptable. Granted that these conversation with the Pastor are held behind closed doors strictly between the Pastor and his member with no one else around. Here is the FAKE Christians/believers part where I lmao... After the conversations with members of the church he on the next Sunday morning service the FAKE (A***) Pastor stand before the congregation telling the congregation what was said in private to him... Can you believe this? He literally put his members (namely a young name Betty) on the spot I won't going into details on the story about Betty, but... Wow! The other fake parts of the church is the older ladies they are call the Mothers....Unbelieveable. I call them the whispers and nay say(er's). The Mothers of the church whispers about other members, they lie, steal, back stab and mostly they laugh in your face acting like a friend. The first Ladies (FAKE A***) they will pray in the prayer circle bring everyone to tries, lay hands, and fall out under the spirit. Have everyone member happy and singing for joy. 2 minutes later after the prayer circle had ended they(First Ladies) talks about everyone that was in the circle... Fake christian/believer. I personally have walked away from the church scene, because of the fake act of Christians/believers. There seem to be FAKE A*** acts of love, deliverance, belief, teaching, and money grabbing going on in my church. It's all... FAKE. Now I'm not proclaiming all Church's as a part of my FAKE Christians story, but it is what it is... That's my take on FAKE A** CHRISTIANS/BELIEVERS

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My 5 Favorites For The Month of May

Hello Everyone, I know, I've been MIA on the blogging scene but, ya'll know, I had to share my 5 favorites for this month. I ...